June 18, 2012


Monday June 18, 2012

Queensland needs more blood – New van to open at Daisy Hill

The Australian Red Cross Blood Service is urging all Queenslanders to donate blood to immediately boost our blood stocks.

Blood Service spokesperson Belinda Haynes said the Blood Service is extremely concerned about the levels of blood supplies in Queensland right now.

“Long weekends are very challenging times for the Blood Service because people go away on holidays but the need for blood continues,” she said.

‘For some reason people have not donated enough over the long weekend and we need people to donate now.

Ms Haynes said residents in the Loganholme, Shailer Park, Cornubia and Daisy Hill areas should visit the new Daisy Hill Shopping Village Blood donormobile (cnr Daisy Hill Rd and Allamanda Drive) which opens for the first time next Monday 25 June, open from 9am until 4pm. Dozens off appointments are available.

Or people can call 13 14 95 to make an appointment.

“One in three of us will need blood in our lifetime, but only one in 30 of us actually give blood,” she said.

“It only takes an hour of your time, you’ll receive free refreshments afterwards, and the reward is knowing that your donation has helped to save three lives.”

The Blood Service donormobile is also visiting Forest Lake Village Shopping Centre, carpark opposite Home Hardware next Monday 25th – Thursday 28th June, 2012.

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