October 17, 2005

Donating Blood

The Australian Red Cross Blood Services has the safest blood supply, from anywhere around the world. It is due to their stringent rules that protects not only the donor but the recipient also.

Everytime a 'DONOR' donates blood two very important steps are followed:

Firstly, the donor fills out a confidential questionaire and then is interviewed by a registered nurse.

Secondly, a routine check for any transmissable diseases is done via blood testing the donor.

These two but very crucial steps are taken everytime whether you are a first time donor or a REGULAR donor.

October 08, 2005

Making a Difference

The donors and organisers were very impressed

by how confident, positive and well spoken the children were. Zachary assisted in the presentation of the medals with Queensland speaker of the house the Honorable Tony Grady.

After the ceremony the Agius family enjoyed meeting and speaking with these extraordinary people, "The Blood DONORS", The modern day heroes. Most of the donors have donated more than 100, 200, 300 times and we have even met a donor that has donated more than 400 times. The donors are always appreciative of recipients attending these ceremonies, the main comment being "Thankyou for coming and telling
your story, knowing we are making a difference makes it worthwhile."

The question’s I always ask is what convinced you to first donate blood and what kept you going? Some wanted to get out of work for the afternoon and work mates dared others. The person that donated more than 400 times gave blood when the birth of his first born required a blood transfusion to survive. He has not stopped since.

Your Gift is Life

How many times have you donated blood?

Australian Red Cross Blood Donor recognition ceremonies around Australia is an important part of the year for not only donors but also recipients.
The ceremonies give an opportunity for regular blood donors to be recognised for their outstanding achievements. Most importantly it gives the recipient an opportunity to thank and congratulate these heroes, that contribute to the health and wellbeing of many others that are reliant on blood products for their survival.

We Say Thanks To Modern Day Heros

Donor Recognition Ceremonies

On Tuesday 13th September at Queensland Parliament House and Thursday 15th of September at Brisbane City Town Hall the Agius Family were invited by Australian Red Cross Blood Services Queensland(ARCBS-QLD) to be one of many speakers at these important ceremonies.

This year along with one other recipient Alexis, Zachary and Adrienne presented the family story, thanked and congratulated these modern day heroes, the donors. Whilst there were very interesting presentations from distinguished speakers such as Garry Wolfe ARCBS QLD Unit manager and Dr Ken Nollet ARCBS Transfusion Medicine Specialist, the impact and emotion of a recipients story can never be measured. There was not a dry eye in the house.

October 07, 2005

International Blood Donors Day

Young Tv Stars In The Making

On Friday the 10th of June the Agius family received a visit from the team at Channel Tens "The Total News" (TTN). TTN is a national weekly news program aimed at school aged children.

Alexis and Zachary in partnership with Australian Red Cross Blood services were interviewed by the channel ten reporter 'Emma' about awareness on the importance of Blood Donations.

The program discussed, what is blood, how blood works, different blood types, how to become a blood donor and why it is important to become a regular blood donor. Not only did it raise awareness about blood but whom it helps.

Although the children were nervous initially they looked like pros in the final cut. The program was aired nationally Tuesday 14th June 2005 at 11am. For more info on the interview go to
The Total News